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Meet the Founder

As a student at the University of Pennsylvania, I have furthered my strong passion for data science and environmental advocacy. With the climate changing at an alarming rate, it is crucial that we take immediate action to prevent further damage and raise awareness of the environmental issues we face. Our actions have led to climate change, and it is our responsibility to take steps to mitigate the impact on future generations.


During a trip to Thailand, I went snorkeling to see the marine wildlife and coastal reefs. To my dismay, I discovered a dying ecosystem with layers of bleached coral, a stark contrast to the thriving and biodiverse environment I witnessed on my previous visit. Witnessing the devastating effects of ocean acidification inspired me to create pH2O Analytics and use data science to bring awareness to this overlooked yet significant issue.

At Penn, I've been involved with several environmental and data science organizations. Namely, Wharton Analytics Fellows, Wharton Undergraduate Energy Group, Wharton Undergraduate Data Analytics Club, and more! I hope to continue my passion for ESG and environmental data science by using Penn's interdisciplinary focus!


I invite you to join me in this journey to use data science to spread greater environmental awareness and prevent further damage to our planet. Together, we can make a positive impact and create a better future for ourselves and future generations!

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